
有機產(chǎn)品的四個特征 有機食品四個統(tǒng)一 有機產(chǎn)品認(rèn)證 有機食品認(rèn)證

發(fā)布日期:2023-03-07 瀏覽次數(shù):0

有機產(chǎn)品的四個特征 有機食品四個統(tǒng)一 有機產(chǎn)品認(rèn)證 有機食品認(rèn)證(0)

有機產(chǎn)品的四個特征 有機食品四個統(tǒng)一 有機產(chǎn)品認(rèn)證 有機食品認(rèn)證
Four characteristics of organic products four unified organic product certification organic food certification
國家推行統(tǒng)一的有機產(chǎn)品認(rèn)證制度,具體體現(xiàn)為 “四個” 統(tǒng)一。
The State implements a unified organic product certification system, which is embodied in the "four" unification.
一是統(tǒng)一的認(rèn)證目錄。2012年,認(rèn)監(jiān)委發(fā)布了有機產(chǎn)品認(rèn)證目錄》,截至 2019年6月,對目錄進行了6次增補。 《有機產(chǎn)品認(rèn)證目錄》及增補目錄詳見附錄六,認(rèn)證機構(gòu)不得對目錄外的產(chǎn)品開展有機產(chǎn)品認(rèn)證。

有機產(chǎn)品的四個特征 有機食品四個統(tǒng)一 有機產(chǎn)品認(rèn)證 有機食品認(rèn)證(5)

One is a unified certification directory. In 2012, CNCA released the organic product certification catalogue, which has been supplemented six times by June 2019. Please refer to Appendix 6 for the list of organic product certification and the supplementary catalogue. The certification authority shall not carry out organic product certification for products outside the catalogue.
二是統(tǒng)一的認(rèn)證標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。 即 《有機產(chǎn)品》(GB/T19630-2011),包括:19630生產(chǎn),19630加工,19630標(biāo)識和銷售,19630管理體系。2019年8月30日,更新為《有機產(chǎn)品 生產(chǎn)、加工、標(biāo)識與管理體系要求》(GB/T19630-2019)。
Second, unified certification standards. Organic products (GB / t19630-2011), including: 19630 production, 19630 processing, 19630 identification and sales, 19630 management system. On August 30, 2019, it was updated to "requirements for production, processing, identification and management system of organic products" (GB / t19630-2019).
三是統(tǒng)一的認(rèn)證規(guī)則。即 《有機產(chǎn)品認(rèn)證實施規(guī)則》(國家認(rèn)監(jiān)委2014年第11號公告)。
Third, unified authentication rules. Namely, the implementation rules of organic product certification (No. 11 announcement of CNCA in 2014).

有機產(chǎn)品的四個特征 有機食品四個統(tǒng)一 有機產(chǎn)品認(rèn)證 有機食品認(rèn)證(10)

Fourth, unified certification mark.
